Welcoming Gabriel at TDP for his work experience!

Gabriel, a 17-year-old student, is participating in a week-long work experience here at TDP. He is currently pursuing A-levels in Business, Politics, and Product Design. During his time at TDP, Gabriel has thoroughly enjoyed working with the production team. He gained hands-on experience in furniture building, assisting in the creation of planters, chairs, and benches. This gave him a good understanding of the design process. He was particularly fascinated by the CNC machine and its capabilities. Gabriel also took part in delivering products to Hopton and Ashbourne, adding to his experience.


In addition to his work in production, Gabriel spent time learning about the business management and marketing aspects of TDP, aligning with his interest in business studies. He found this aspect of the work experience particularly valuable as it directly related to his A-level subject. Rob, the manager, also introduced him to the plaque and engraving process, which Gabriel found intriguing.


Overall, Gabriel’s work experience at TDP has been educational, providing him with practical skills and insights. He appreciated the opportunity to see both the creative and operational sides of the business, making his time at TDP both fun and enjoyable!

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